Susan’s Ted Talk
Having A Mental Illness Is Not A Death Sentence | Susan Johnson | TEDxTenayaPaseo
Susan graduated from Drake University with a B.A. in Sociology. Since her diagnosis of Bipolar 1 in 1995, Susan's true passion in life is to help break the stigma of living with a mental illness and bring hope to those living with one. Susan is the author of “Some Dreams Are Worth Keeping A Memoir Of My Bipolar Journey.” She is an accomplished inspirational speaker and until recently was a blogger for the mental health magazine, BP Hope. She received the award for Best Blogger for in 2017 and appeared in the 2018 "This Is Me" article in BP Hope Magazine. Susan's writing also appears in The Catholic Exchange. Susan currently works with special education students as an Instructional Assistant for a school district in Nevada and just celebrated her 16th year at her job. She give a TEDx talk in January of 2021. Her talk is called “Having A Mental Illness Is Not A Death Sentence.” Susan is a member of an author community in Las Vegas. She was also a Stability Leader for a nonprofit organization called The Stability Network . Unfortunately, the organization has dissolved, but her story is still up on their website. Susan is involved in women’s ministry called The Magnificat, a ministry to Catholic women. She enjoys hiking, baking, traveling, yoga, spending time with her Goddaughter, and trips to the ocean. Susan loves the Golden Knights hockey team and is originally from Thousand Oaks, CA. She now makes her home in fabulous Las Vegas with her husband, Gary and 1 year old Siberian Sterling who she has a blast posting on his Instagram page @sterlingthesiberiancatlv.
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Susan Johnson
Stability Leader