I had a great time in North Carolina and I will talk more about it next week. While on my trip I began to reflect on Holy Week. Holy Week is BIG if you are a Christian like myself. I was on a plane yesterday and missed Good Friday services, but normally you will find me in church. Good Friday was the day Jesus died on the cross saving us from sin and death giving the ultimate sacrifice his life. I have recently seen the movie "Risen" and was reminded just how painful the crucifixion was. The way the huge nails were pounded into the bones. The way it hurt to breathe. I could barley watch it. The agony, the pain, the misery, and the humiliation. More then I can bear to think about at times. I was reminded of the many Good Fridays I have gone through these past 20 years as a woman living with bipolar disorder there were days of depression that were so deep death felt easier then living. There were days when I never thought life would turn around. I was sure the dark clouds would never lift and I would not feel the warm sun on my shoulders again. Still, I hung on with the strength only coming from above. Then Easter Sunday happened a miracle to say the least. The son of God brought back to life! Jesus he is risen! I have seen many Easter Sundays as well. The day I met my husband. If I ever doubted God's love for me it became evident on that day. My wedding day was another Easter Sunday in my life. Those are just a few. So if you find yourself in a storm on this Easter Sunday going through a hard time and not feeling like you can hang on anymore, fear not it is true after Good Friday comes Easter Sunday.I have seen it in my life time and time again.