Who would have ever thought that this pandemic would occur? That so many people would get sick and die on a daily basis? Not just in the U.S. but around the entire world?
At first glance the world seems to be an episode from the T.V. show “ The Twilight Zone.” We all have experienced lines are long at the grocery store and the supplies are limited. I could never imagine things we take for granted like toliet paper would be in such high demand. I was so excited yesterday to find baked beans and ketchup at the store.
I have been a cradle Catholic and all church masses have been cancelled. My husband and I are the type of married couple that finds a church to attend on vacation. I could not tell you the last time I missed a weekend mass. Now that privilege is taken away. We can no longer recieve the Eucharist and The Precious Blood. My heart is broken into a thousand pieces. I never thought someone would tell me I could not attend mass. For now it’s mass on T.V. It isn’t the same.
The thing to remember is fear, anxiety,panic and worry do not come from God. They come from the prince of darkness. When you trust God with your whole heart there is a sense of peace. A peace that the world can not give.
Our faith is being tested . Will we choose to trust in God? As the Psalm 46:10 says “ Be Still and Know That I am God.” Are we spending time with God in prayer now that many of us have more time at home? Or are we turning on the news and more active on social media which continues to spead fear?
Are we using this time to draw closer to God? This could be a time for our faith to grow. Perhaps we should be reaching for our Bible instead of the remote to our T.V. or our smart phones. Let’s chose to pray the rosary or dust off the shelf and reach for a spiritual book.
For now I will pray for those affected by the disese. For those on the front lines taking care of the sick. For the elderly who are quarantined to their rooms. I will continue to pray for the whole world and to the end of this bad dream we are all living.
As for me I am not going to let the prince of darkness win. I am going to let my faith be bigger then my fears. Which will you choose?